Friday 22 June 2012

Sheeza Shakeel_HRLP036_UPANISHAD_GANGA_2

This episode of Upanishad Ganga highlighted one of the stages of life system in Hindu society- "Grihast Aashram". The life of a Grihasta is considered a 'Jivayagna'- a lifelong saga of self sacrifice for the benefit of others in society.
Marriage is regarded as a means to spiritual glory and a part of spiritual duty with devotion to perpetuate the family tradition. It is constant struggle to selfless. It is all about accepting the person with the differences. Looking for the best in the person and understanding the root cause of the action is the key to a successful relation.

This was very well evident in the story spun around Maagh, a messiah for the needy and poor. He is selflessness personified. Maagh's immense love for the poor often led to his wife compromising on certain needs. Yet, his actions was interpreted in the right way and the difference in opinion was avoided. Each of the characters in the episode have set a benchmark for us to learn and practice a way to a balanced life.

Sheeza Shakeel

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