Friday 1 June 2012


Moksha or Salvation was the concept of today’s episode of Upanishad Ganga. I could understand the meaning of the term as being one’s journey towards leading a selfless life. A life which is beyond all materialistic pleasures. It is about knowing the ‘I’ within you. It is about your journey to understand God’s reason for sending you to earth.
The story line revolved around a rich man called ‘Kotikaran’. He was an egoist and was asked by a Sadhu to give his ego to him. Those words of Sadhu made Kotikaran think about his inner ‘I ’and inspired him to follow the path of Salvation. Kotikaran made a thief ‘Satyawadi’ think about his purpose of life and he decided to follow Kotikaran in his journey till he achieves ‘Salvation’. The lesson was well taught but following the path is certainly not a piece of cake as it is about suppressing your inner desires and rising above them.
                    By the end of the programme, I was left with a few questions. If attaining ‘Moksha’ is really possible? What will happen if I don’t do it? Are there people who have attained ‘Moksha’? How did they do it? Where did they gather all the motivation / courage from? Didn’t people around them influence them? What is the means of such understanding?

Khushboo Adlakha

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