Sunday 3 June 2012

Vasu Bansal_HRLP001_Self Leadership_May 2012


Sri Krishna Govinda Hare Murare  ,
Hey Natha Narayana Vasudeva

Ego....our biggest enemy. It doesn’t allow us to see who we are. All of us give charity in form of money, clothes and other materialistic things, but it’s difficult to donate your ego.   We need to know ourselves.  Every day of our life we pretend to be someone who we are not.  Seek your own real identity...

The story revolves around a rich man “Kotikaran”. He is full of ego and pride as he can acquire anything, even a human being, with power of wealth. One day, while doing charity, he comes across a saint who asks him to donate his ego rather than his land, money and clothes. Kotikaran is taken a back and forced to think.Who he really was? Who am I? What was his purpose on this earth? He gives up everything to search for his answers.  A thief who has seen both faces of Kotikaran (as a rich man and as  a pious saint) encounters similar questions . In order to steal, precious knowledge which Saint Kotikaran has, the thief abides to follow him till he steals away Kotikaran’s wealth.

 We need to look at the entire world, not with different perspectives but with one thought.  If we can find our real “I”, we will see our own reflection in all people around us. We should not try to win the world but to win ourselves.  

We need to understand the importance of our Body, Instinct, Mind, Heart, Brain and I, harmonise and have control on them, then we can attain the next step “Moskha”, which is the pinnacle of human life cycle.

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