Sunday 4 November 2012

Mind over the creative matter?

Leading into another layer, this time, it was the learning about our Brain.
The session beginning with how creativity deteriorates over time which is key factor to drive innovation for problem solving. Creativity is stimulated and heightened by ones upbringing and education. With being awarded the freedom to pursue what pleases me most, during the session, I felt I have enjoyed tapping and invigorating my creativity at all phases of my life, the latest in my work environment being when I had to employ creative methods to ensure high level of employee engagement. 

Reflecting on the different kinds of creativity, the one that enchanted me the most was the "Familiar Strange" creativity which helps make strange familiar through an analogy. The activity where we had to think of how we would treat an obstinate cat and use the same technique in attracting companies as potential recruiters turned out to be extremely insightful, specially because when dealt with difficult problems we either choose to fight it or run away from it, however by making ourselves familiar with it, we are equipped to deal with it logically.

The next activity which involved in our becoming different objects in various groups helped me learn that I can take any form I like, becoming anything I desire by being creative and removing any inhibitions that tie me down.
While discussing the 6 fears, I could identify with each! My biggest fears being fear of failure and fear of self image loss, which often holds me back from trying too many things! I have identified certain "unacceptable" conditions in my life, and if I will ever be met with a situation which will throw me in that arena, I may come to face my biggest fears.

When we did map our highs and lows of our life, I realised my unacceptable conditions fell in the low period of my life, which, through deliberate thought have now been identified as those periods I would never want to see myself in. Candidly stating that my lowest low of life was when I was an extremely selfish and self centred person who couldn't care less for the people around her. I am sincerely hoping I am lesser of that person now and will never transform into that "self" again!

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