Saturday 3 November 2012

Self Leadership_Anvesh Apale

The Power of Human Brain

The last self-leadership session by Anil Sir last week covered a variety of elements that leadership of the human brain comprises of. We are responsible for being creative. Every human being has capability to be a most creative leader but the point is that we can only be creative if we choose to be creative. In our childhood we are extremely creative but as we grow up we lose our creativity. The left side of human brain is responsible for grasping complexity and the right side of human brain determines the creative ability.

Decision making is an important aspect of our life which was covered in this session. “Defining the frame” has the greatest impact. What really matters is the “most critical question” we are trying to address in our lives or what is the most important question I am trying to get an answer to.

We learned that the five principles which often prevent us from being creative are:-
Fear of Failure, Fear of Criticism, Fear of Ambiguity, Fear of lack of time and resources and above all Fear of loss of self image. Meditation is a way which can quite our mind help us in overcoming g our fears.

There was an activity which made me come up with my pt my personal mission personal mission. I realized that my personal mission in life is serving my parents by working towards exceeding all the expectations they may have from their son by leveraging my values like gratefulness, empathy and patience. Knowing my mission has given me a sense of direction to lead my life. Mission certainly takes us away from everything that is negative. We find a purpose in life once you have a mission.
It was fascinating to know about the ladder of Influence which determined how our beliefs tend to influence our decisions. We often take our inferences and judgment as if they were statements of fact. The ladder is as follows:-

·                      Our beliefs are the truth
·                     The truth is obvious       
·                     Our beliefs are based on real data
·                     The data we select are real data
·                     We have all the data we need

Hence, this exercise was useful in more than one ways. It has not only helped me in discovering the realities within myself but it has also helped me understand the way I want to lead my live.

Anvesh Apale

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