Saturday 3 November 2012

Ritika Malik_HRLP 037_Self Leadership_25th Oct 2012

Today's session was all about the power of mind. Our left part of the brain grasps complex situations. And the right side of the brain is the creative part of the brain. It is creative at the early years of our lives. But as we grow older, the innovative and the child like attitude becomes to reduce.

I also learnt about the six steps in taking decisions. The first being the realization of what is the most critical question. The second is the want of meaningful and reliable information. Third step is to develop several creative and duable options. The fourth step is criteria-risk-return-logic. Then is the trade offs and values. And finally preparing for implementation. Moreover, in any decision, resources play and important role. A decision becomes a decision when we allocate resources.

Thereafter, we did an exercise in which we formed groups of different sizes. We were told to take the shapes of different forms. This activity made me realize the fact that every being is capable of innovative ideas in their respective ways. We just don't use it as we feel that we are not creative enough. We also did an exercise of thinking about various examples of different uses of a pen. This exercise was yet another example of creativity.

We also learnt about the five fears that prevent us from being creative and the ways to overcome them. The first fear is the fear of failure. The way to overcome this fear is to do controlled experimentation in safe time. The second fear is the fear of criticism. The one way to overcome this fear is to have a mentor who would guide us and make us learn to take criticism in a positive way. Then is the fear of ambiguity. One must learn to experiment based on getting into unstructured situation, to overcome this fear. The fourth fear is the fear of resources/lack of time. The way to overcome this fear is learn to prioritize (urgency to importance). The fifth fear is the loss of self image. This fear is, what I feel the most difficult one to overcome. As this fear requires one to laugh at yourself. And not everyone can do this. I also learnt about a fear of starved sensibility. This fear is the fear of physical damage due to nature. For example, one may have a fear of height. To regular spend time with nature will help us overcome this fear.
When we lead our fears, we become a leader.

We also did an exercise which made us partner with a person we are comfortable sharing our thoughts with, and discuss with the partner, our high and low points of our lives. This was an exercise that made me realize important things about myself.

We were also told to write a mission statement. This made me think of what I really want in life. The session ended by writing our personal transformation question.

After every session of Anil sir, I realize and know more about myself.  This was yet another such session that had a powerful impact on me.

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