Monday 5 November 2012


Yet another inspiring lessons by Sir Anil Sachdev as I took one more towards becoming an inspired leader and making difference to the society. It focussed on a variety of elements that leadership of brain encompasses. I learnt about how we loose our creativity as we grow up and we start thinking more logically rather than creatively. As we grow old we start thinking about what will others think of ur actions and become more circumspect in whatever we do. I learnt that left side of the human being is responsible for grasping complexity while the right side of the human brain determines the creative ability.Every laeder has the potential to be the most creative leader and if one wishes and has the zeal then no one can stop him from being creative.
The class also had its moments of great fun when we had to form groups of three, four and sometimes even seven and make different shapes raning from waterfall to tree etc. It was mainly to bring out the creative side of each of us, and thats when I realised that as we grow older we start to get hesitant of doing such activities which require more of rifht side than the left side of the brain.
I also learned about the five F's that prevents an individual from being creative, namely Fear of Failure, Criticism, Ambiguity, Lack of time and resources and finally fear of loss of image.
There was also an exercise which was to introspect about the high points and low points in life for the purpose to bring out the moments that have had a great impact on our lives and discover oneself in that process. I realised that my moments when I was at the top were those when I was appeciated for someting and I did well in studies or sports etc. however the low points were when my parents sufferred from illness and I was too young to take responsibility of their health.
Finally we all were asked to come up with a mission statement about a cause that we care about or about the expectations that we feel our family members or our scoiety have from us so that we can live upto their expectations and make a difference in their lives.

I would just like to end with a small quote by :-W.E.B. Du Bois
“Now is the accepted time, not tomorrow, not some more convenient season. It is today that our best work can be done and not some future day or future year. It is today that we fit ourselves for the greater usefulness of tomorrow. Today is the seed time, now are the hours of work, and tomorrow comes the harvest and the playtime.” 

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