Friday 21 September 2012


Happiness is an emotional state of well being with the characteristics of positive feeling and joy. Happiness is a decision. Your happiness is your decision to make. People receive happiness or are happiest when they have

A)     Pleasure
B)      Engagement
C)      Relationships
D)     Meaning
E)      Accomplishments

The above are the other way of mentioning the Maslow’s hierarchical theory of needs. There is also one other way as to

A)     Visualize (Your dream)
B)      Take responsibility (to achieve the dream)
C)      Learn (through the process)
D)     Appreciate (everyone and everything which comes your way)

                                                Happiness for extroverts and introverts can be different. Extroverts like to party which make them happy where as for Introvert reading a book can make them feel happy, i.e: extroverts replenishes their energy from being with people and introverts by being in solitary. Research shows that happy are those people who spends time with their family. Happiness comes from success for some people. Also one needs to find a hobby of his interest and work on it daily irrespective of the schedule, while doing so we are unknowingly bringing the happiness to oneself. Also one should remember that money alone cannot give happiness and money cant but happiness.

                                      One should find the hobbies/interest he have and try to practice it daily so that every day he tries to bring happiness for himself by doing that activity. One should really retrospect and analyze what is that which makes him happy /bring happiness to him and look after that even though money earned in that field/ profession may be less. Doing what your passionate not only makes one feel better but also one can face challenges with a smile and confidence. One should not worry too much about his future and try to enjoy the present moment and also one learn from past but should not keep regretting about the past.

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