Wednesday 24 October 2012

Dipti Sethi_BLP048_Self Leadership_October 2012

16th October
The Mind in communication: COGNITION
·      Assumptions based on the meanings added
·      Constructed meanings (cultural and personal)
·      Selected “data” from observations
·      Observable “data” and experiences (as a video tape recorder might capture it)
(Choose data that suits you)

Based on Assumptions à Conclusions

The Ladder of Inference
Describes one of our basic habits of mind: our reflexive use of inference and judgment as if they were statements of fact
·         Our beliefs are the truth
·         The truth is obvious
·         Our beliefs are based on real data
·         The data we select are real data
·         We’ve all the data we need

Observe “Data” and experiences
·         Select data from what I observe
·         I add meanings (cultural and personal)
·         I make assumptions based on the meanings I added
·         I draw conclusions
·         I adapt beliefs about the world
·         I take actions based on my beliefs

23rd October
Today Anil Sir discussed about Courage and Happiness.
COURAGE comes from:
·         Our identification with community and country.
·         Inside – the cause for which you are fighting.
·         Passion-goal
·         Selflessness – when you sense a higher cause
·         Discovering aspects in yourself
·         Extraordinary challenge – You overcome limitations when you’ve courage from within
·         Spark within
·         Deep love for something
·         “SERVICE” or “SEVA” - which strengthens your courage
·         If you’re true to yourself and your ethics build courage
·         Opportunity to take on big responsibility
·         Courage is not absence of fear but the realization that something is more important than fear.

HAPPINESS: To explain that, we were shown a video by the most happiest person on earth: Mr. Matthieu Richard. He explained the difference between Pleasure and Happiness. Pleasure is not long lasting. Eg: If I love a chocolate cake, I’ll feel very happy first time, less happy second time and disgusting third time. It follows Law of marginal utility. However, happiness or better to say well being is not only a pleasurable sensation but a deep state of serenity and fulfillment which underlies all emotional states. Of course our outer conditions should be good enough but our inner conditions should be strongest enough because if you get the most comfortable place on the 100th floor of most beautiful building and you are unhappy inside, then you will find a window in that apartment to jump. And you can control your inner conditions better than outer one. However, if you save some child’s life then that gives a great sense of happiness. Also, people more inclined towards right part of brain have more risk of going into depression as opposed to people inclined towards left part of brain.

Summarizing, above in points, Happiness is:
·      Living in the present moment
·      The power of meditation
·      Compassion as a “Huge Force” – impacts brain
·      “Things” don’t bring Happiness
·      Practice – to meditate
·      Honor life – Inner Fulfillment
·      We chose to be happy
·      From hate to love is a fantastic journey
·      It’s our choice to love – Love and hate can’t co-exist
·      Joy and happiness are not pleasure
·      Passion and love for a cause creates courage which leads to Happiness
·      Transforming your mind is Happiness
·      In some countries, GHP (Gross Happiness Index) is used nowadays as a measure of stability rather than GDP (Gross Domestic Product)

Determinants of Happiness:
1.    Religion
2.    Good Relationship (Doing good to others + Appreciative Inquiry)
3.    Thinking style (Positive thoughts)
4.    Exercise (Yoga)

It’s true that Happiness comes from inside and for that to happen as per Maslow Hierarchy needs your spiritual (by Religion), social (by Good relationships), mental(by Thinking style) and physical(by Exercise and Yoga) needs must be satisfied, then only you can think about a higher cause or you can develop your love for a cause and which will then make you courageous enough to face any extraordinary challenge.

Practically, I also believe that Money is not everything but to say that you’ve to earn it enough. 

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