Friday, 21 September 2012


The second session of Self-Leadership started with the learning/Impact everyone had with the demise of our dear friends Gaurav & Rahul. I really felt sad for their parents since I saw “how much they were missing their Child”. Also with the incident I could understand that
aA) “Nothing in life is permanent for one’s temporary stay here on the earth”.
bB)   “Do Good and Be Good” till the time you are here.

We were introduced to the concept of “Emotional Intelligence” which means ‘ability to listen to people as if the life depends on it’. Always respect the Uniqueness of the person and build the trust, since trust is the cornerstone of Emotional Quotient. ‘Love for others’ and ‘Love for passion’ are also called as Emotional Intelligence and if we can practice these two, we can increase our Emotional Intelligence.

We were told the difference between Empathy and Sympathy with a beautiful example, which says that in order to feel the same feeling of others, you should be ready to get into his shoes and then analyse the situation whereas Sympathy means just suggesting/helping with you being in your own position.

We were given a chance to appreciate our fellow classmate and during this process I found about myself. At the end of the session when we were asked to write down about the questions

1) Unstated expectations of those whom I care about 
2) Regrets about the past  
3) Guilt’s that I carried with me.

I could find that my parents and friends are the people from whom I have unstated expectations. And I still regret that I should have prepared myself well for my future and also should have tried playing other games/sports which I don’t.

Sir shared the saying that his teacher always mentioned “Disappointment comes with the people who keep appointment with the future”. We had a closing circle at the end of the day, where we got time to reflect what has been the entire day and we ended the day.

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