Friday, 21 September 2012

Harpreet Singh_BLP039_Self Leadership_September2012

Self Leadership session by Anil Sir (Sep 10, 2012): It is always very nice to be a part of Anil Sir’s class. This was our second session on Self Leadership and was also the first class of our second term. We were just back to the classes after very hectic period during the first term exams and then witnessing the worst moment of our life. Anil sir started the session by asking the students to form groups and think for a while what they have learnt about the life from the incident that has occurred a week before. Then he asked us to share our thoughts among our group. The things that came into our mind were that Life is very uncertain and unpredictable and nothing is permanent here. Things which are so close to you are meant to be separated one day. Similar thoughts came from other groups also.
A video, “Before I do, I want to” which was about sharing the emotions and certain wishes, was shown in the class which was really inspiring. The same campaign is going to be carried out in the Soil Cafeteria.
After that, Sir briefly discussed the six layer model of Self awareness which was introduced in the first session of Self leadership.
1.     Body (5 senses), Perception          ->          Data, Diversity
2.     Instinct, Reaction                         ->          Information
3.     Relationship, Emotions, Mind         ->          Emotions, Compassion
4.     Intellect, Choices                         ->          Knowledge, Ethics
5.     Ego, Values, Habit, Fear               ->          Wisdom, Sustainability
6.     Life giving forces, Truth               ->          Mindfulness, Union
This time Sir explained Emotional Quotient which plays a very important role in shaping the Leadership traits in a person. Difference between Sympathy and Empathy was very beautifully explained through a simple “Shoe Exercise”, which elucidated the fact that it is not possible to get into the other person’s shoes until you remove your own shoes . Sir explained that many times you don’t agree with the other person, at that times try to see other person’s perspective, not just the thought, but feeling behind that.
Emotional Intelligence (EI) linkage was also very beautifully explained which is as follows:
Listen -> Understand -> Empathy -> Trust -> Respect -> Accepting Uniqueness -> Genuineness
The second part of the session was about a positive psychology, known as Appreciative Inquiry (AI). In this exercise, we were divided into groups of two. We were to ask some very simple questions to our partners, the impact of the answers of which was to be found out later.
1.     When were you at your best in SOIL?
2.     What happened, who all were involved?
3.     What was special about the experience?
4.     When do you think Soil was at its best?
5.     Who all were the people involved?
The students were then asked to discuss with the class, the strength and positive qualities of their partner which comes out on the basis of answers to the above questions. The answers were then documented & categorized in two parts so as to know the positive attributes of both the individuals and SOIL as an entity. The purpose of the activity could be easily understood once it was done and that is the beauty of the Appreciative Inquiry.
The next activity was Introspection Activity, which focussed on Self Understanding. In this activity we were to ask ourselves three questions:
·         Unstated emotional expectation of those who I care about
·         Regret about the past
·         Guilt that I carry with me
These above three things are the ones which deprives us of happiness.
In the end, the whole class formed a circle and shared their views about the session. We thanked Anil Sir for conducting such a beautiful session which helped us a lot in enhancing our Self Leadership and Self Understanding.

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