Monday, 21 May 2012

Robin Goel__Self Leadership_May 2012

When I entered the class just after the morning circle, I saw Mr. Anil Sachdev already their in the class and ready to start the lecture. It was a bit surprising as we had just finished the morning circle and I had come straight from there to the class. I had thought that we might get some time to say hi and good morning to my fellows as he would probably get to 3rd floor, collect his stuff and reach the classroom. But he was there!!!, all set to start. Their could not have been a bigger yet subtle example of the value of time demonstrated by a person.

Anyways the class started and ground rules were set. As the lecture started a question was thrown to us,"If I need to lead myself what is the most important thing I need to ask myself ?". Frankly speaking after reading the question I was clueless. I asked my fellow classmate "Is the question correct?", and he looked back at me with a look in his eyes that made it clear that he was not to be disturbed with such nonsense questions. As I pondered over it, I realized that I could only self lead myself if I were happy doing it and thus started the avalanche of questions that I started asking myself. What makes me happy? Do I have the strengths to do things that make me happy? What is the way I need to work that makes me happy? Do I adhere to my values? Can I satisfy that higher goal in life which I have set for myself? And surprisingly the last 1 week of soil came alive in-front of me. We have already asked and explored all these questions to ourselves the last week and never realized that all this was an activity directed towards this single "simple"question.

The next part of the class was abstract for me (We were warned of this before sir started explaining this!!!) The six layers of self , the concept of the Body, the mind and the soul were mind-boggling and asked me question "OK ..... SO WHAT". So during the break I went to sir who smiling listened to the questions and said "Things will sink in, but don't loose your question. Stick with the question the answers will come"

Next we learned about powers of  observation, the power of listening and the power of touch. Each were taught through simple role play activities and was generously sprinkled with anecdotes of Mr. Sachdev's experience with industry leaders which made them pretty interesting. However the best part was the introspection of the activities that we did after completing the activity. This quiet introspection not only helped us understand the power of these communication tools but also to some extent answered the question I had asked in the morning.

Somehow I started understanding "Mindfulness" in a better way and was slowly able to relate mindful pillar with the six layers of self. It made me realize that only a mindful person can use these tools in an effective way. And the fog started to lift!!!!!! It is always a beautiful feeling when the truth dawns upon you through a series of seemingly unrelated activities and you start seeing the big picture. 

Frankly speaking the session left more questions unanswered than it answered but I believe these are questions that cannot be answered in a single day or two. "I teach simple things" was what Mr. Sachdev said at the closing of the session but we all know that simple things are the hardest to follow.
Hope in this new journey that I have started last week, I will be able to explore, introspect and achieve things that I am looking for and will be a stronger individual by the end of this course and maybe even a inspired leader.

Not wanting to end I will end this blog leaving you all with this video, a video that inspires me immensely. Hope you guys like it.

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