Tuesday 22 May 2012

Lagnajita Sanyal_HRLP012_Self Leadership_May 2012

Leadership has always been a big word for me to understand and digest. I never understood how a person with his mere words can inspire someone.Through out my growing years I have always tried to understand and know  about it more.But my knowing led me to perplexed situations often.

But today after completing almost  a week long journey in Soil ,I feel I have come close to know more about myself and guess I am on the right track to know what exactly is Self Leadership all about.As a child we are taught about values by our parents and we learn them blindly  because we feel that it is right.But once we grow up we start forming our very own  opinions and  then we decide which values should I  practise, this is because as we grow up we start learning more and more about our surroundings -in the process learning more about ourselves.By learning more and more about our surroundings and ourselves we use our five senses:observation,listening,tasting,touching and smelling process.All these equipments have helped me to understand more about my environment and myself.But my learning to be a better leader does not stop here.It involves various aspects which create barriers and they are self created barriers.One of the most relevant one is EGO.I feel this has stopped me as a person to accept many a times those areas which I need to work upon.Ego is a big challenge.And after today's Self Leadership learning I believe that true leaders do not hold any ego rather they are learners too like each one of us.Learning can be of the mind or intellect.To optimally use my learning is what my challenge is.But I know that knowing self is not a one day process and to implement it in my life will be a consequence of my constant learning's.If Ego lowers your learning possibilities then the fear to try out new dimensions of life stops us from building our-selves. Sometimes I feel I am completely in an opposite situation when I am too shy to try out new things when some one would give us an opportunity.I would have several thoughts running in my mind: Can I do it, Am I good enough, Am I the right person to do this task.But my leaning has rather made me very clear that you need to try your hands on those unexplored areas of your personality which may come as a surprise to us.And who knows I may sing or dance or paint or speak just like an inspired leader.But I feel there is an entire gamut of opportunities and talents that each one of us have.But to find it at the right time in your life and practise that passion is what makes a true inspired leader.It is very important to realise them and connect with the "Self" or "I" and give a meaning to our beautiful lives to make it a wonderful journey ahead.At this juncture in my life first and  foremost I would want  to undo all my negativity's . I am highly motivated to take a pledge that I would like to let go off my ego, venture into the unknown within my personality and try out "The new me", take time to understand what I really want out of my life, find meaning of each of my action and look for eternal happiness because that's what an inspired leader is all about-Knowing yourself is the true Essence.

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