Wednesday 23 May 2012

Latika Malhotra_HRLP027_Self Leadership_May2012

The power of consciousness transcends time and space. Consciousness is connected to soul or maybe it is soul itself but the level of consciousness depends on the purity of soul. What a delightful thought to start my day.
As our lecture on Self Leadership unfolded, purpose and power of five senses became meaningful. It just astonished me as how mere gazing into eyes can connect you to soul. Truly they say, “Eyes are window to soul”. Eyes convey message of soul. They speak lot about a person. Poor me, I always thought it as a mere organ to see the world. I just got enlightened that it can make you see beyond the world. Eyes, gestures, body language reflect your personality.
O my dearly Lord!! I never knew the power of Listening. I always thought it is the best speaker that makes the difference but to my surprise it is the best listener who stands out in the crowd. Power lies with the follower. It is the follower who chooses the speaker. Only the best Listener can observe surroundings and deeply analyze it.
“A touch that changes life”. A touch of love, a touch of security, of friendship can impact your life immensely. A hug to say I am there for you, a kiss to say I love you, touching feet to say I respect you. Power of touch can heal a person physically and mentally.
As I will step into the business world almost year from now, I realize how important it is for me to make full use of my Senses to make my work place positive, to reflect the aura of belongingness, to be connected to my colleagues emotionally. I am truly enlightened by the session from Anil Sachdev. My perception about many things has changed and my journey of self realization continues…

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